
CEO, Social Media & Leadership Survey

In today’s digital world, social media has become an increasingly important communications channel for building a connection between brands and their most vocal advocates.

While many companies understand the important role that social media plays in brand building, most have not yet realized its potential to raise the profile of corporate executives to establish industry thought leadership and strengthen the credibility of the brand.

The ubiquity of social media has changed customer expectations about brand engagement. Customers now expect to have direct access to brands and brand leaders. There is also a direct connection between social media participation, purchase intent and in-creased loyalty to a brand. According to a recent report, 50% of consumers stated they were more likely to purchase from a company and recommend a brand to others after fol-lowing the company’s tweets. This shift in customer expectations and consumer behavior coincides with another emerging trend: The rise of the Social Enterprise, in which prof-it–oriented businesses aim to solve social and environmental problems as part of their mission. Conscientious consumers are now seeking out brands that serve a larger societal purpose, and this is incentivizing brands to showcase their commitment to various causes through social media.